Lost in Europe has been reporting on the lives of unaccompanied minor migrants for five years now. This year, we want to deepen our insight into the lives of the minors we have interviewed a bit more. In the year before the 2024 European elections, we want to let them tell their own stories in a new, rich and compelling environment. Therefore we are creating a digital narrative with audio and visual material. 

To enrich our idea of what young people's lives, aspirations and struggles are about as they turn 18 Lost in Europe also created a survey.  We ask young migrants, under and over 18 years old and social workers working with these young people to fill it in. Your help will give us a better picture behind the scenes in the asylum facilities, what goes right or wrong.

You can fill in the survey anonymously, but you can also leave your e-mail address at the end. Then we can contact you at a later time. 

English questionnaire for minors 

English questionnaire for 18 year olds- and older 

English questionnaire for professionals and volunteers who work with AMV'ers 

Nederlandse vragenlijst voor minderjarigen 

Nederlandse vragenlijst voor 18 jarigen en ouder. 

Nederlandse vragenlijst voor professionals en vrijwilligers die met AMV'ers werken

Emma van den Hof
Emma van den Hof
Merel van Beekhoven
Merel van Beekhoven
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